Wildfire survey results are in!

Results of RC3 Survey of Residents’ Concerns –

Chelan County is leading a multi-jurisdictional process to update its Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP).  This plan will identify the specific wildfire risks in various subareas in the county and will recommend mitigation measures. The County has set up a Steering Committee to help guide the planning process and RC3 is one of the members.

To help RC3 provide accurate information to our partners on the Steering Committee about residents’ concerns and priorities, we conducted an online poll during February and early March. The survey was completed by 288 residents from throughout Chelan County. The full report is attached here.

Results Summary

  • Residents expressed a high level of concern about the immediate threat of a wildfire occurring near their homes and property.
  • Residents were also highly concerned about the health impacts of smoke exposure during forest fire seasons.
  • Residents believe that the timeliness and accuracy of the information provided by local agencies during wildfire and smoke events can be improved.
  • Many residents are worried about the social and financial impacts of wildfires on individuals and families in our community.
  • Many are also concerned about the availability and increasing cost of fire insurance.
  • In general, residents felt reasonably well prepared in case they need to evacuate their homes during a fire event.

The survey also collected general comments from residents about their concerns and recommendations to improve our readiness for a wildfire event. These are summarized in the full report.

The results of our survey will greatly enhance RC3’s participation in the wildfire planning process. Thanks to everyone who participated!